The Importance of Flexibility and Respect in Surrogacy: Navigating Decisions on Abortion and Selective Reduction

Surrogacy is a journey filled with hope, dreams, and the promise of life. For both surrogates and Intended Parents (IPs), the journey is deeply personal and often rooted in shared values and beliefs. One of the most delicate and challenging aspects of this journey is the decision regarding abortion or selective reduction. This decision, while hypothetical at the start of the surrogacy process, can become a very real and pressing issue under unforeseen circumstances.

Understanding the Complexity of Real-Life Situations

It is common for both surrogates and IPs to have strong convictions about abortion. Many may identify as pro-life and firmly believe they would never choose to terminate a pregnancy, regardless of the circumstances. However, real-life situations can test these beliefs in unexpected ways. Imagine a scenario where both the surrogate and the IPs are steadfast in their pro-life stance. They believe wholeheartedly that they would carry a pregnancy to term, no matter the birth defect or quality of life for the child.

But then, during the pregnancy, the doctor delivers catastrophic news about the baby’s health. The IPs, initially unwavering in their pro-life beliefs, now face the heart-wrenching decision of whether to terminate the pregnancy for the sake of the baby’s potential suffering. If the surrogate remains unwilling to proceed with the abortion, despite the IPs’ changed stance, this creates a significant legal and emotional conflict.

Conversely, consider the scenario where the surrogate receives devastating news about her own health. The doctor warns that continuing the pregnancy could pose life-threatening risks to her. The IPs, however, do not want to terminate the pregnancy. This situation equally underscores the importance of flexibility and mutual respect in making such critical decisions.

Legal and Emotional Implications

The divergence in decisions between the surrogate and the IPs can lead to severe legal disputes and emotional distress. Legal battles can ensue over who has the final say in the pregnancy, and such disputes can be traumatic for everyone involved. Emotional turmoil, feelings of betrayal, and the breakdown of relationships are common consequences of these conflicts.

The Case for Flexibility

Given the unpredictable nature of pregnancy and the profound impact of medical decisions, the best-case scenario for surrogacy involves both the surrogate and the IPs being flexible regarding abortion and selective reduction. Flexibility does not mean compromising one’s core values; rather, it means recognizing the complexity of real-life situations and the necessity of compassion and understanding.

No one can truly predict how they will respond to catastrophic news until they are in that situation. By being open to the possibility that decisions may need to change in light of new information, surrogates and IPs can better navigate these difficult waters together, ensuring that the best interests of all parties, including the unborn child, are respected.

Real-Life Examples

There are documented cases where these issues have come to the fore. For example, in a widely reported case, a surrogate mother in California found herself in a legal battle after the IPs asked her to abort one of the triplets she was carrying, citing financial and emotional reasons. The surrogate refused, leading to a protracted legal dispute that highlighted the need for clear agreements and flexibility on such sensitive matters.


Surrogacy is a journey of trust, respect, and shared dreams. To safeguard these values, it is crucial for surrogates and IPs to approach the issue of abortion and selective reduction with flexibility and open-mindedness. By understanding that no one can truly predict their decisions until faced with real-life situations, both parties can better support each other through the challenges that may arise. This approach ensures that the journey remains compassionate and respectful, honoring the profound commitment that surrogacy represents.