Your weight (Body Mass Index) plays a key role in your eligibility to become a surrogate. BMI is calculated by an algorithm that takes a person’s height and weight, and provides a value that is an indicator of the person’s body fat.

Calculate your BMI here:
What’s your BMI?

To be medically approved for surrogacy your BMI must be between 19-33although most fertility doctors actually want your BMI to be under 31.

  • Below 18.5 – Underweight
  • 18.5-24.9 – Normal
  • 25-29.9 – Overweight
  • 30-34.9 – Class 1 and 2 Obesity
  • 35 and higher – Class 3 Obesity

Fertility doctors set these limits for a verity of health reasons, these reasons include:

  • Gestational diabetes. Women with a BMI that falls in the obese range are more likely to develop gestational diabetes than are women with a lower BMI.
  • Preeclampsia. Increased risk of developing preeclampsia. A pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure and signs of damage to another organ system, often the kidneys.
  • Infection. Increased risk of urinary tract infections. Obesity also increases the risk of postpartum infection, whether the baby is delivered vaginally or by C-section.
  • Overdue pregnancy. Obesity increases the risk that pregnancy will continue beyond the expected due date.
  • Labor problems. Increased risk of labor induction and interference of pain medication (such as an epidural block).
  • C-section. Increase in the likelihood of elective and emergency C-sections. Also an increase in the risk of C-section complications, such as wound infections.
  • Pregnancy loss. Obesity increases the risk of miscarriage.

It may feel very frustrating to be disqualified for surrogacy due to your weight. You may have a BMI over 33 and have had nothing but healthy and easy pregnancies. The thing to keep in mind is there is so much at stake for Intended Parents, they are investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into the surrogacy process, as well as taking a huge emotional leap of faith. They have to do everything possible to increase their chances of a healthy pregnancy, which includes being sure their surrogate is as healthy as possible to carry a baby.

Many surrogates find that their BMI is just slightly above the requirements and they decide to start a weight loss regimen in order to achieve their goal of becoming a surrogate. Looking forward to a surrogate journey can be such great motivation to stay on track with your weight loss goals.

If you would like to become a surrogate but you are over or under therequired BMI, consult with your doctor or a nutritionist to learn more about how to achieve your goal weight to begin your surrogate journey.

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