One of the biggest hurdles for many families when embarking upon a surrogacy journey is the cost. This cost can be especially high for male couples and single fathers as both a surrogate and donor are needed to assist in the process. Between the medical costs and compensation for the surrogate and donor, the total cost is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. With this in mind, Family Creations set out to help bring down the cost in any way possible.
Family Creations is the first surrogacy and egg donation agency to offer a low-cost fresh egg donor program. This program is called the Seed Program, and it has already helped countless parents reduce their overall egg donation costs. Here is how it works: donors can opt-in to the Seed Program by volunteering to reduce their compensation from the typical $8,000 for a first time donation to $4,000. In turn, Family Creations reduces their agency fee from $8,000 to $4,000. This brings the total cost of working with an egg donor in the Seed Program for a fresh cycle to about the cost of using frozen eggs (which have a lower success rate).
Furthermore, to assist parents who need both an egg donor and asurrogate, Family Creations offers an incredible discount: parents who work with a surrogate through Family Creations can work with an egg donor as well for no additional agency fee.

Additionally, Family Creations has teamed up with Men Having Babies, (The international nonprofit Men Having Babies (MHB) is dedicated to providing gay men with educational and financial support to achieve parenthood through surrogacy), to offer discounts specifically to male couples and single fathers embarking upon their surrogacy journey. The passion and dedication that Men Having Babies has exhibited in assisting men on their path to fatherhood is the perfect partnership for Family Creations as they work to help this community as well.

With these discounts and low-cost options, Family Creations is proud to have helped many families for whom cost would have been otherwise prohibitive. They are dedicated to continuing their commitment to reducing costs anywhere possible for families in need of the services of an egg donor and surrogate.Countless surrogates have chosen to work with or refer others to Family Creations specifically because they believe in an agency who provides the opportunity for those with financial needs to achieve their dream of family.