As you research becoming a surrogate, one topic that stays at the forefront is surrogate compensation. You may wonder, how much do surrogates get paid? Is the compensation listed real? Is this a scam?
In 1980 the first compensated surrogacy agreement was made between a traditional surrogate and intended parents. Elizabeth Kane (a pseudonym) received $10,000 to carry a baby for another couple.
I have worked in the field of surrogacy for 17 years. The first surrogate case I managed was in 2007, the surrogate made $15,000, plus a benefits package of various items such as lost wages, maternity clothing, medication fee and transfer fee. Surrogate compensation has come a long way since then and today we find most surrogates average a base compensation between $50,000-$80,000 plus a benefits package which includes additional payments on top of that base compensation.

Surrogate base compensation is paid to the surrogate for the time they invest into the surrogacy process. Surrogates are required to go to several doctors’ appointments during the screening and IVF processes, from there surrogates go to all the routine maternity care appointments throughout pregnancy, as well as followup appointments post-delivery. This can end up being a year or even two years’ worth of doctors’ appointments.
Some attorneys say that the compensation is for “pain and suffering” that is occurred throughout the surrogate journey and the compensation is written into theContract as such.

When a surrogate agency is involved, the Surrogate and Intended Parents agree to compensation prior to any medical screening or appointments. Once the surrogatehas been medically cleared and approved to become a surrogate, a legal agreement is drafted and signed by both the Intended Parents and the surrogate, within this agreement is the agreed upon surrogate compensation. The Intended Parents will then fund an escrow account which will secure the surrogates payments. Escrow is very important as it will protect and guarantee the surrogates’ payments throughout her journey.
View a full surrogate benefits package here:
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